
21 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi günü burçları neler bekliyor?

Gece yarısından sonra Merkür, Jüpiter'le kare açı yaparak dramayı canlandırıyor. Düşüncelerinizin geniş bir niteliği var, bu da ince eleyip sık dokuma veya aşırı analiz etme arzusunu şiddetlendirebilir. Başak burcundaki Merkür'ün mükemmelliğe olan ilgisi bir planı takip etmeye büyük önem verirken, İkizler burcundaki Jüpiter'in güçlü merakı daha açık fikirli bir yaklaşım gerektirir. Denge esneklikle sağlanır - hem Başak hem de İkizler uzlaşmayı teşvik eden uyarlanabilir burçlardır!

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Mercury and Jupiter square off this morning, which may cause you to feel overwhelmed by this weekend's to-do lists and social engagements. Give yourself the freedom to rearrange your schedule, prioritizing what must be done without losing sight of fun. You'll feel delighted when tackling personal errands or chores once afternoon settles in, and the Taurus moon connects with Mercury, while inviting along a companion will feed your need for connection. Meanwhile, the sun and Pluto form a supportive connection, helping you establish sustainable routines that will help you stay on track while living your best life.

Don't talk yourself into overspending, dearest Taurus, as Mercury and Jupiter square off overhead. This energy will heighten your taste for the finer things, though financial irresponsibility could catch up to you later. Distract yourself with creative outlets when Luna blows a kiss to Mercury this afternoon, reminding you that entertainment can be found without breaking the bank. These vibes are also ideal for planning a low-key get-together with your favorite people. Divine inspiration could guide you down exciting new pathways as the sun and Pluto align, while a celestial union between the moon and Uranus may reveal exciting breakthroughs tonight.

Mercury, your planetary ruler, squares expansive Jupiter, taking your emotions on a wild ride. You may feel more sensitive than usual, dearest Gemini, but avoid closing your heart for fear of feeling too much. An easy Saturday at home will help you navigate these vibes with ease, especially when the Taurus moon connects with Mercury this afternoon. These vibes are perfect for nurturing yourself and those you hold close, bringing focus to your domestic affairs and family life. Meanwhile, the sun and Pluto form a supportive trine, helping you find empowerment by forging solid bonds and shedding that which is not serving you.

There will be plenty of opportunities to express yourself today, dearest Cancer, though a harsh square between Mercury and Jupiter suggests some things are better left unsaid. Keep your conversations light yet grounded while the Taurus moon and Mercury align this afternoon, seeking sensory experiences with family and friends. This energy also makes it easier to make new connections within your community, so don't hesitate to venture out socially. An element of romance lingers in the air while the Virgo sun and Pluto align, helping you peel back the layers to understand better those your heart gravitates toward.

Don't let screens rule your day, dearest Leo, as Mercury and Jupiter square off overhead. Though many will be eager to captivate your attention, you'll be happiest when focused on real-world interactions. Luckily, the Taurus moon steps in to bring you back to earth, assisting with the process of setting boundaries with your electronics. Treat yourself to moments of luxury when Luna blows a kiss to Mercury this afternoon, giving your mind a chance to unwind and ease into the weekend. A massage, yoga session or time spent outdoors will be particularly healing while the Virgo sun and Pluto align.

Remember that it's important to separate work from your free time, dearest Virgo, as Mercury and Jupiter square off in our skies. Though you'll have many ideas that can propel you toward success, hyper-fixating on personal aspirations will make it challenging to enjoy Saturday bliss. Luckily, the Taurus moon and Mercury join forces this afternoon, elevating your mind as you connect with the mysteries and blessings that surround you. Find beauty in the mundane and connect with spiritual practices to make the most of this cosmic climate. Empowering vibes flow when the sun and Pluto align, especially when you chase passions and creative freedom.

Mercury and Jupiter form a harsh square this morning, dearest Libra, putting your subconscious into hyperdrive. Though thoughts could race at times, moments of enlightenment will shine through when you are mindful of your needs and connect with spiritual practices. Embrace the art of letting go when the Taurus moon blows a kiss to Mercury this afternoon, taking into consideration where you feel empowered or restricted. Time spent alone or within the safety of home will help you find clarity, thanks to a sweet connection between the sun and Pluto. You could reach a tipping point when Luna and Uranus unite tonight, bringing forth plot twists or new commitments.

You won't have the patience for surface-level interactions this morning, dearest Scorpio, as Mercury and Jupiter square off overhead. Rather than forcing yourself to socialize amongst large crowds, keep an intimate circle of trusted allies. You'll feel more comfortable establishing a connection with those you're less familiar with once afternoon settles in and Luna blows a kiss to Mercury. These vibes are also perfect for flirting with any new love interests that have come across your radar recently. Plan on recharging by practicing self-care from the comfort of home when the Virgo sun aspects Pluto and the moon unite with Uranus.

The stars warn against spreading yourself too thin, dearest Sagittarius, as Mercury and Jupiter square off in our skies. Though you'll feel energized with plenty of love to give, boundaries could blur if you don't focus on your sense of balance first. Redirect your focus toward personal errands when the Taurus moon aspects Mercury this afternoon, asking you to take stock of your weekend responsibilities. These vibes also support any long-term wellness goals you set. Move away from typical Saturday routines and reward yourself for surviving another work week when the sun and Pluto connect while Luna and Uranus unite tonight.

You'll hit the ground running as the weekend officially begins, dearest Capricorn, as Mercury and Jupiter align in our skies. Fresh inspiration and lingering to-do lists will keep you focused on personal agendas, but remember to stop and smell the roses along your journey. Divine inspiration could lead to exciting new passion projects as afternoon sets in and the Taurus moon aspects Mercury, warranting a trip to your local hobby store. Go deep within your spiritual practices tonight when the sun blows a kiss to Pluto, thinning the veil that separates worlds. Meanwhile, a union vetted the moon, and Uranus suggested that surprises may be in store.

You'll find yourself in an outgoing and social mood as Mercury and Jupiter square off this morning, dearest Aquarius, though not everyone will be receptive to your hijinks. Avoid social strife by being selective of who you shine your light upon, steering clear of anyone who might try to dull your sparkle. Sticking close to home can help you evade unnecessary negativity, while a sweet connection between the Taurus moon and Mercury encourages hosting an intimate gathering. Just be sure to schedule some alone time for self-nurturing later tonight when the sun aspects Pluto while the moon and Uranus unite.

Sevgili Balıklar, Merkür ve Jüpiter gökyüzümüzde hizalandığında verecek çok sevginiz olacak, ancak sevdiklerinizi çok fazla TLC ile boğmaktan kaçının. Bunun yerine, Boğa burcundaki Ay sizi düşünceli ve esprili bir kafa yapısına soktuğu için anlamlı bir bağlantı kurmaya yönelik entelektüel bir yaklaşım benimseyin. Öğleden sonra Luna'nın Merkür'e öpücük göndermesiyle flört becerileriniz göksel bir destekten yararlanırken, yeni bir romantik ilgi ortaya çıkabilir. Güneş ve Plüton aynı hizaya geldiğinde alanınıza daha olumlu arkadaşlıklar davet edin ve Luna ve Uranüs tepenizde birleştiğinde benzersiz sohbet konuları sunmaktan çekinmeyin.