
22 Eylül 2024 Pazar günü burçları neler bekliyor?

Sabahın erken saatlerinde güneş hava burcu Terazi'ye girerek sizi şimdi ile 22 Ekim arasında denge, sevgi, dönüşüm ve iletişim temalarını keşfetmeye davet ediyor. Terazi burcundaki güçlü tutulmayla birlikte bu mevsim hem kişisel hem de kolektif düzeyde evrimle dolu olacak. Terazi sosyal bir enerjidir ve en önemli ilişkilerimizden bazılarında güçlü bir değişim fark edebiliriz. Terazi burcundan bağlantının karanlığa çare olabileceğini öğrendiğimiz için odak noktanız başkalarıyla onarmak olabilir.

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Today is action-packed with cosmic shifts, dearest Aries, beginning with the moon's debut into Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs learning. Give yourself space to fully take in your surroundings, and be mindful to acknowledge what others are saying. Your relationships will grow significantly throughout the coming weeks once the sun enters Libra, marking the start of fall and a particularly romantic period for you. However, you may hesitate to open your heart when Venus and Pluto square off, understanding the risks that come with showcasing vulnerabilities. Luckily, you'll have plenty of time to establish intimacy later tonight when Venus enters Scorpio.

The moon leaves your sign and makes her debut into Gemini, dearest Taurus, putting you in a curious and grounded headspace. You'll sense a shift when the sun enters Libra, signaling the start of fall and a busy period for you. Workloads are bound to increase throughout the coming month, and it'll be vital that you set intentions to maintain balance and prioritize wellness. Too many details could begin to confuse your heart when Venus and Pluto square off. However, things will seem more apparent once the planet of love migrates into Scorpio later tonight, elevating your relationships and sense of harmony.

The moon enters your sign today, dearest Gemini, perking you up for a Sunday that revolves around harmony, relaxation, and fun. Meanwhile, the sun makes its debut into Libra, ushering in fall while sweetening your relationships throughout the coming month. Just be mindful not to force intimacy if your counterpart seems closed off, especially when Venus and Pluto square off this afternoon. Instead, focus on bonding over shared interests without going too deep once the nodes of fate stir. Focus on your routines when Venus enters Scorpio tonight, asking you to change your habits to maximize wellness.

A low-key Sunday will do your soul good, dearest Cancer, as the moon enters Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs privacy. Meanwhile, the sun migrates into Libra, marking the start of fall while bringing harmonious vibes to your home and family life. You'll feel exceptionally loving and nurturing throughout the coming month, helping to deepen bonds without adding pressure. Focus on your own needs to maintain balance when Venus squares Pluto before entering Scorpio. This planetary shift also offers support to friendships and creative outlets, bringing more fulfillment to your life when these aspects of your life are better prioritized.

Step into your role as a prominent member of your social sphere, lion, as Luna migrates into Gemini and your solar eleventh house. Meanwhile, the sun makes its debut into relationship-oriented Libra, helping you expand friendships throughout the coming month. Themes around romance also come into play, and platonic connections may grow into something more. Connect with your wellness needs when Venus squares Pluto this afternoon, especially if stress has been accumulating within your physical body. You'll sense a shift tonight when Venus enters Scorpio, putting you in a romantic and nurturing mood that's perfect for intensifying bonds at home.

Your thoughts may drift toward Monday and all the responsibilities that will come with it, dearest Virgo, as the moon enters Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs success. Luckily, as the sun migrates into Libra, you'll be reminded that it's okay to relax and enjoy what remains of the weekend. Avoid the Sunday scaries by indulging your senses and embracing moments of luxury, taking your mind off tomorrow's agenda. The atmosphere shifts later tonight when Venus makes her debut into Scorpio, helping you hold intimate conversations that will bring new depth to your most valued relationships.

It would help if you woke up feeling spiritually refreshed and connected to your intuition, dearest Libra, as the moon enters Gemini and your solar ninth house. Good vibes continue to flow once the sun enters your sign, marking the beginning of fall and your birthday season. Life will seem more evident throughout the next month as the stars push you to prioritize your agenda. Remember that it's okay to be a little selfish from time to time, especially when you give so much to others. Watch out for disharmony at home when Venus squares Pluto before entering Scorpio, and consider bringing everyone together over a tasty meal.

Reveal intimate tidbits about yourself to bring loved ones closer, Scorpio, as the moon enters Gemini and your solar eighth house. Themes around commitment, transformation, and strengthened bonds all come into play, activating your mind and voice. However, privacy will feel increasingly important after the sun enters Libra, and it'll be a prerequisite that those you surround yourself with can be trusted with secrets. Be kind to yourself when Venus squares Pluto, stirring up your shadowy side. Luckily, self-love will be easier to cultivate once Venus enters your sign, marking an era of romance, beauty, and charisma for little scorpions everywhere.

There will be plenty to feel grateful for as Luna enters Gemini, beloved archer, mainly when you focus on building harmonious and healthy relationships. Meanwhile, the sun enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs networking, inspiring you to pull new friendships into your social sphere. Just beware of competitive peers who may try to throw you off balance when Venus squares Pluto, cutting ties with negativity to get ahead of these murky vibes. Follow your instincts this afternoon while the nodes of fate activate, especially when it comes to other people. Invest fully in self-love and cultivating a healthy internal dialogue once Venus enters Scorpio later tonight.

Devote your Sunday to catching up on your wellness chores, dearest Capricorn, putting aside stress to nurture your mind, body, and soul. You'll see plenty of growth within your professional ambitions once the sun makes its debut into Libra, making it increasingly important that you cultivate a healthy balance between work, rest, and play. Focus on long-term goals under this cosmic climate, but don't put unrealistic or restrictive expectations on yourself when Venus and Pluto square off this afternoon. Tend to your home when the nodes of fate stir later today. You'll feel a shift tonight when Venus enters Scorpio, bringing a new cycle of networking your way.

You'll awaken with a sense of brightness and creative whimsy, Aquarius, as the moon debuts into Gemini and your house of self-expression. Let your confidence grow with each astute observation made or artistic project embraced, finding value in your point of view. Meanwhile, the sun makes its debut into Libra, marking the start of fall and a spiritually charged period for you. Expect to see more signs, synchronicities, and blessings throughout the next month as the stars align in your favor. You'll sense a shift tonight once Venus enters Scorpio, elevating your ability to manifest success in the coming weeks.

Plan on a laid-back but socially engaging Sunday at home, darling Pisces, as the moon enters Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss. Meanwhile, the sun debuts into harmonious Libra, bringing more intimacy and mutual understanding to your relationships throughout the coming month. Indulge your senses when the nodes of fate stir this afternoon, reveling in delightful sounds, smells, and sights. Watch out for social media drama when Venus squares Pluto, steering clear of negative peers. The atmosphere elevates tonight when Venus enters Scorpio, paving the way for spiritually fulfilling connections and luck within matters of the heart.