
26 Eylül 2024 Perşembe günü burçları neler bekliyor?

Gece yarısından hemen sonra, Merkür (iletişim gezegeni) denge arayan hava burcu Terazi'ye giriyor. Şu andan 13 Ekim'e kadar, başkalarıyla anlayış, adalet ve şeffaflığı teşvik eden bağlantı kurma yollarını keşfetmeyi düşünün. Terazi burcunda Merkür sizi tüm konuşmalarda ve etkileşimlerde diplomatik, çözüme dayalı bir yaklaşımı benimsemeye çağırıyor. Huzur ve dinginlik, sanat veya diğer yaratıcı çıkışlar yoluyla kendini ifade etmenin terapötik biçimleriyle elde edilebilir.

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Mercury, the planet of communication and learning, migrates into Libra and the sector of your chart that governs relationships. Throughout the coming weeks, be mindful of what your closest companions are saying. Though conflict may arise, you'll have a chance to deepen bonds when mutual respect and a desire for resolution are prioritized. Meanwhile, the Cancer Moon aspects Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, bringing unexpected plot twists to the table that may temporarily cloud or stall your visions. Your confidence returns later today when Luna enters Leo and aligns with Mercury. These vibes could also usher in creative breakthroughs or playful romance.

Ask loved ones how you can better support and nurture them throughout the coming weeks, dearest Taurus, as Mercury enters relationship-oriented Libra. Apply these same inquiries to yourself, focusing on ways to cultivate healthy routines that contribute to a more balanced mind and body. Communicate with your higher power while the Cancer moon connects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This energy heightens your intuition and ability to manifest when you are bold and dare to believe. Plan on a productive evening at home once the moon enters Leo and aspects, Mercury, putting you in the mood to get organized and complete tasks.

Mercury, your planetary ruler, moves into Libra, the sector of your chart that governs fun. This planetary placement grants permission to be a bit wild throughout the coming weeks, sweet Gemini, offering your mind a break from stress or fear. Fresh flirtations and friendships may also arise, so be open to meeting new people. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon aligns with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which could trigger new insights that cause you to reconsider specific commitments. You'll crave a change of pace once Luna enters Leo and aligns with Mercury, marking the perfect occasion to mingle with friends after work.

You'll focus heavily on creating balance within your domestic and familiar affairs throughout the coming weeks, dearest Cancer, as Mercury enters Libra and your solar fourth house. Meanwhile, Luna continues her journey through your sign, forming aspects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Use this energy to establish a sense of community that is yours alone to rely on, especially if you've been too engulfed in matters of the heart to expand beyond existing relationships. You'll sense a shift when the moon enters Leo and connects with Mercury, urging you to slow down and enjoy the comforts of home as a way to unwind.

Your wits sharpen, and your charisma increases, sweet Leo, thanks to Mercury's debut into lovely Libra. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want in the coming weeks, as people will be eager to cooperate and make you happy. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon connects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, causing much to stir beneath the surface. You'll crave new adventures on your path toward success, especially if your days have felt repetitive or monotonous, though it may be difficult to imagine a new way forward. Luckily, you'll feel more in control once Luna enters your sign and aligns with Mercury, inspiring you to ask important questions.

Learn through all five senses throughout the coming weeks, darling Virgo, as Mercury enters Libra and your solar second house. This planetary placement also asks that you bring financial affairs to order, encouraging you to strategize the path toward prosperity. Meanwhile, the Aries moon aligns with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, putting focus on your social life. Take note of how you feel after each interaction to identify better who drains or lifts you. You'll need privacy to decompress and sort your thoughts as evening creeps in and Luna enters Leo, aspecting Mercury to promote solitude, luxury, and self-care.

Mercury debuts in your sign this morning, sweet Libra, emphasizing the brilliant communicator you are. Lean into these vibes by speaking up more throughout the coming weeks, as doing so can help you get ahead, make big impressions, and call in beneficial friendships. Get in touch with your goals and how they impact your emotions as the hours unfold, as well as the Aries moon aspects, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These vibes can help you pinpoint where external or internal obstacles lie, giving you a chance to unburden accordingly. Plan on socializing this evening when Luna enters Leo and connects with Mercury.

Carve out more time to be alone with your thoughts throughout the coming weeks, elusive Scorpio, as Mercury enters Libra and your solar twelfth house. This energy also marks the perfect excuse to disappear into a world of romance and bliss with someone special, getting to know one another better through intellectual and emotional exchange. Trust that luck is on your side while the Cancer moon aligns with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, but don't speak of your victories prematurely. The atmosphere shifts this evening when Luna enters Leo and aspects Mercury, asking you to reflect on what cycles need breaking so you can feel empowered.

Your inner party person comes out, a fiery archer, as Mercury migrates into relationship-oriented Libra. The sector of your chart that governs community lights up throughout the coming weeks, giving you a boost when it comes to networking and making friends. However, you'll crave more profound and more meaningful bonds while the moon continues its journey through Cancer, aligning with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This energy could trigger insecurities when it comes to showcasing vulnerabilities, but your relationships will thrive through emotional honesty. The energy elevates when Luna enters Leo and aspects Mercury, putting you in the mood to exchange wisdom and personal philosophies with kindred spirits.

You'll be reminded that relationships and cooperation are important when trekking the path toward success, Capricorn, as Mercury enters Libra and your solar tenth house. Sharing ideas and embracing public speaking platforms can also aid your professional or social agendas. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon travels our skies, aspecting Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This cosmic climate shifts focus to your emotional investments and love life, though you'll need to balance your interests with those of those around you. Identify any cycles that have blocked your path toward success once Luna enters Leo and forms a sweet connection with Mercury.

Brace yourself for an era of intuitive enlightenment, sweet Aquarius, as Mercury enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Ask the universe for support while understanding that the more goodwill you put into the universe, the luckier you will be. Soften your grip on perfection when the Cancer moon connects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This energy asks you to take a relaxed approach to life, considering how you can feel more grounded and secure by cultivating habits that prioritize mindfulness. Your love life benefits from some celestial sparkle when Luna enters Leo and aspects Mercury.

You'll find yourself in severe yet graceful spirits throughout the coming weeks, darling Pieces, as Mercury enters harmonious Libra. Ride alongside this plenary journey by reflecting on what gives you a sense of empowerment and who you can truly let your guard down with. Speak up where commitments need to be broken or re-enforced during this time. Your popularity increases as the cancer moon aspects, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Use this energy to further personal goals, bearing in mind not everyone is your friend or wants you to succeed. Show your body some love to clear the mind when the moon enters Leo and aspects Mercury this evening.